San Francisco Chronicle Publishes ASI Letter-to-Editor Calling for Physical Activity-Based Learning to Be Part of California Governor’s Agenda

In its ongoing effort to establish physical activity as the essential element of learning for schoolchildren everywhere, the American Sports Institute submitted and the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper published ASI’s letter-to-the-editor calling upon California Governor Gavin Newsom to increase the emphasis on physical activity and to consider physical activity-based learning for all the state’s schoolchildren. The letter begins by praising the Governor for promoting early-childhood education in his agenda.
A US History Lesson Teaches Us That America’s Public-School System Is Operating on the Wrong Side of Humanity
America’s public-school system (as well as school systems throughout the world) is operating on the wrong side of humanity. How so? To make the point, here’s an American history question that you probably never had in school: What happened on December 14, 1799? Unless you’re a real history buff, you’re probably stumped, so here’s a hint: Just the opposite happened on February 22, 1732.
Okay, so if George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, More»
Body-Brain Integration and Physical Activity: Blasphemous, Key Elements Missing from the School-Reform Effort
The nonprofit American Sports Institute has developed the firstARETE program that features a physical activity-based, body-brain integrated curriculum and learning methodology as the core elements of the learning process. firstARETE serves as a model for transforming America’s public-school system.
Why have we created firstARETE? Despite the fact that America’s More»
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