Benefits of PASS
Benefits for Your School
By implementing the PASS program, your school will benefit from:
- More graduates who understand personal responsibility and who have the skills for lifelong learning.
- Students who are better able to perform up to their potential.
- Cohesiveness among diverse students who otherwise would not have opportunities for interaction.
- Improved student leadership abilities that affect the rest of the student body.
- Increased school revenue due to improved student attendance.
- Strengthened faculty capacity for problem solving and leadership by infusing new principles and strategies for improving education.
- Rekindled enthusiasm and commitment of professional staff.
Benefits for Educational Reform
The PASS program addresses a number of important educational-reform issues, including:
- Project-Based Curriculum — The PASS class is a year-long project where each student develops and implements a strategy for reaching individualized academic and physical goals.
- Assessment Strategies — The PASS teacher regularly observes and thoroughly rates student performance. Students also evaluate their own performance and keep track of their work in a portfolio that includes individualized goals, action plans, monitoring procedures, and certificates of achievement.
- Kinesthetic Learning and Academic Success — PASS challenges students to take the fundamentals that make athletes successful and to apply these fundamentals to their own academic and physical pursuits.
- Cooperative Learning — PASS capitalizes on the positive aspects and collaborative nature of sport culture by emphasizing teamwork in the classroom.
- Integrated Learning — The integration of subject areas, including language arts, social studies, psychology, philosophy, and physical education.
- School-Home Connection — The PASS program has regularly-scheduled parent/guardian meetings and ongoing home contact through status reports, letters, and phone calls.